About TannerElphee.io

Developed by Tanner Elphee using FREE tools from StartBootstrap.com and webpage hosting on GitHub.com. Consider this Tanner's personal showcase, project sandbox, and platform template.
All Rights Reserved.

How did you create TElphee.io?

August 2020 I decided to create my own personal website thus TElphee.io was born! No auto-website tools were used beyond the StartBootrap template. Overtime I'll be adding more fruitful content and features. The goal is to show what is possible for FREE and functional across all devices. Although just a static website, it serves as a solid foundation to test my web development skills.

The video script on the first page was a bit tricky and relies on a solid internet connection. I added the odd color schemes, embeded Google Forms, used Paypals donation tool, added some pictures and other bare bones content. This website is constantly evolving! Some viewing issues can occur depending on your device and settings. Tested fully compatible on my updated IPhone 10xr using Firefox and Chrome. (12/15/20).

Links to various places

GitHub Profile
LinkedIn Profile
James Madison University
Piedmont Virginia Community College